Whenever I get a new stack of fabric I want to jump in right away. These are no exception. I LOVE both of these patterns and spent weeks deciding whether or not to buy this pack of Pam Kitty Morning fat quarters. Clearly, I caved and knew just the pattern I wanted to use them for!
The problem is I always have so many projects going at once! These are my project roadblocks....

I will finish the binding on this today! (Also Pam Kitty Morning, by the way....love it! :))
Uhmmm this is actually someday going to be a quilt for my living room. Because it's for me, I only work on it in drips and drabs. Notice I keep it in the drawer of my "sewing room (closet)" table....yipes!
For someone special....hopefully getting to starting to piece it today!
So I guess I'll be shelfing my new fabrics and patterns for later this summer!